In which case, oh dear oh dear oh dear, Amnesia: Rebirth. Not to mention a rather off-putting subtitle, but I remember saying at the time at least it didn’t go for some incredibly generic one-word sequel name, inevitably beginning with the letters RE. A Machine for Pigs was of course developed by the Chinese Room, and had all the gameplay of a supermarket conveyer belt covered in pork products. And even longer since the last instalment by Frictional games. It’s been so long since the last Amnesia game I almost forgot it existed, ironically, lol. We have a new merch store as well! Visit the store for brand new ZP merch. Want to watch Zero Punctuation ad-free? Sign-up for The Escapist + today and support your favorite content creators!

This week on Zero Punctuation, Yahtzee reviews Amnesia: Rebirth.