This will update your objective to Get to Sevastopol SCI/MED Tower and bring the mission to a close. Alien: Isolation Collectibles - San Cristobal Medical Facility - Basic Care Unit. Exit that room, walking along the wall on your right until you reach the door you originally used to enter this area. There are 27 Archive Logs and five ID Tags to find and collect. Anticipated releases Alien: Isolation, Fantasia, Sunset Overdrive, AC:U, FC4, MCC, Batman: AK. You need to get your new-found med supplier to Taylor, but of course, this is going to involve … Like a perfect time to go and open everything that you couldn't access before? Once you pass through the door, turn to your left and follow the narrow corridor as far as you possibly can, going through another door where you'll find two people with guns. Alien: Isolation is a survival horror game with a heavy dose of stealth, and we should also mention that it is absolutely nothing like Aliens: Colonial Marines, a game that was received rather negatively, to say the least. Walk through the corridor until your objective updates to Find a Way to Open the Door to the Warehouse, then continue moving forward until you pass into a large room. For Alien: Isolation on the PlayStation 4, GameFAQs presents a message board for game discussion and help. When you enter the vent, turn all the way around and crawl forward, turning right when you can't go any further. The PDF files below contain publication copies of the WAC titles and chapters as published in 2015. This will allow you to collect the Compression Cylinder, updating your objective to Replace Component in the Elevator.